
The Running Connection

Gina Schmeling is a dedicated distance runner who applies many of the sport’s disciplines to her consultancy.
She likes to share discoveries and insights, and hear stories from other runners. Welcome to The Running Connection.

Storytelling with Intimacy and Impact, #15NTC

Stories make us human. They connect us to others. Over again, that great story punctures social media feeds. If we’re lucky, we hear one at a table over a shared meal. There is a unique space between intimacy and impact. Both are important, and there are different...

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Fitbit and Freedom: A Runner’s Intro to Walking

Fitbit and Freedom: A Runner’s Intro to Walking   This is my sixth year of running. I thought I knew the scene. That I was seasoned. There was a disconnect. I’d run, train, and kibbitz online with my run group, and then find myself sitting in professional...

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